November’s job gains at 203,000 are slightly lower than they were in October. October’s results, as reported last month, were adjusted upward by 8,000 jobs to result in 212,000 jobs. So, you might say, we are on an even keel approaching the final month of the year. These data were published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (the press release is here). The new chart graphic the jobs situation follows:
With November’s result reflected in the projections for the year 2013 (based on year-to-date data), 2013 is shown to have performed better than the last three years. The current projection is that the annual growth in jobs will be 2.263 million (last month it was 2.236 million). In 2013, thus far, the economy has created, on average, 5,700 more jobs per month than in 2012. The chart showing the projection comes next.
The data published yesterday also got us closer, in percent measurement, to the recovery of all jobs lost in the disastrous years 2008 and 2009. At present, we have recovered 85.9 percent of lost jobs (last month we’d recovered 83.4%).