John Magee alerted me to a news story in the March 29 New York Times titled “Is the Economy
Growing Faster than We Knew?” (link). It holds a chart in which growth
quarter to quarter is charted for two measures. One is Gross Domestic Product,
the other is Gross Domestic Income.
These two are, as it were, the economy as viewed through the
right eye (GDP) and the left (GDI). The first measures expenditures, the second measures income, and since every expenditure is somebody’s income, the two number should be exactly the same. And,
yes. Theoretically they are. But different data collection systems are used to
collect each, they tend to diverge, sometimes a little, sometimes more. There’s
many a slip twixt surveys and press releases. I thought I’d show some data on
these two measures in actual dollars—rather than in percentage changes.
This first chart shows the two measures on an annual basis
1990 through 2011. This chart more or less supports the theory. The two lines
virtually overlay each other. In this period we had three recessions, marked
with horizontal bars. The one in 1990-1991 and in 2000 were not severe enough
to show up in an annual tabulation. The one in 2007-2009 was long enough to
show decline of both. Notice that in some period GDP came in slightly higher,
in others GDI was higher.
In this second chart I look at the recent period, 2006-2011
and by quarter. Here the differences are more easily seen. It would appear that
in “good times” GDI leads the way and GDP follows. In bad times GDP holds the
lead and GDI trails. The early signal that the economy is resuming growth
appears in the first quarter of 2011. In that year GDI was leading the way the
entire year.
GDP’s big components are Personal Consumption Expenditures
(68.4%), Government Consumption and Investment (19.0%) and Gross Domestic
Investment (12.6%). These values ignore net imports and are for the 4Q 2011.
GDI’s big components are Compensation of Employees (54.8%),
the Net Operating Surplus (of companies and institutions, 25.6%), Depreciation
(which is handled as income, 12.9%), and Taxes on Production and Imports
We might surmise that GDI leads in good times because
compensation must be received before expenditures are made—and income dips
early in recessions. When GDP leads in expansionary times, consumption may be
partly fuelled by credit. But the measures, while they might signal the economy’s
mood, are ultimately equivalent. No output without input—or vice versa.